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Installation document for Smart tracking shipment


Please make sure you have set the correct permissions for the software as in the list below.

Administrator permission for OCMOD(How to use OCMOD Opencart ?)Important
FTP settings(How to setup FTP for Opencart?)

1. Upload

Method 1: Directly upload from only one file

Notice: You must extract downloaded zip file to get installation file.The file name must have extension Shiplink OC v*.* - v*.*,

so you should not change the file name under any circumstances.

Firstly, go to your Opencart admin panel -> Extensions -> Extension installer -> Upload your file -> Continue

Method 2:

Secondly, you should go to Modifications -> Click refresh and clear buttons as per image below:

2. Add permission

Login to your Opencart admin panel and go to System → Users → User Group

Click edit your user group name (Generally, default user group name is Administrator as Image 2

 Image 2

Next, check access permission, modify permission for Shiplink as image 2.1

  1. module/shiplink

3. Installation

Go to Extensions → Modules Find Shiplink and click install as image 3

4. Configuration


Shiplink is now installed and configured. You can access it from Extensions > Tools >  Shiplink then click Edit ]

5. Configure & Enjoy your new MMOS extension!

5. Configure& Enjoy new extension

That's almost complete. Thank you for your installation.

CLICK HERE For inform to Support Team if you get any troubles.