
Cities Shipping

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Cities Shipping inherits all features and is an advanced version from Cities Dropdown. Default Opencart forms only support countries and state/ provinces but lack cities, districts, towns. The extension provides new feature to customize default city list to achieve database unity. In addition, this advanced version expands shipping management. That means you can completely control data entry for customer from countries -> states/ provinces -> cities -> geo zone -> store address.

  • PERFECT COMBINATION between cities, geo zone and store address management

    Cities Shipping is 3-in-1 solution and combines with sub module Pickup At Store Location Pro. The extension completely controls all Opencart form cities for unity database, setup geo zone for each cities and setup shipping address for each geo zone. Makes it so CLEAR for your customer to choose input cities and shipping address.
  • Choose city/ district/ town with dropdown box based on countries and state/ province

    Many Opencart pages such as Register, Affiliate, Guest, Guest Shipping, Payment, Address Book use form cities. You can edit Cities Shipping for each area to appear on select box. It's GOOD EXPERIENCE for your local customer.
  • Quick entry with AJAX and database unity for analytic data

    The extension uses AJAX for BEST ENTRY data and allows you to customize default city list to achieve database unity. It's GREAT for analytic data.

Why do you need this module?

Cities Shipping is 3-in-1 solution and combines with sub module Pickup At Store Location Pro.  You can edit all cities forms for each area to appear on select box and geo zone for each cities. From there, store and shipping address become CLEAR for your customer. The extension uses AJAX for BEST ENTRY data and control all input forms achieve exactly database unity. It's GREAT for analytic research data later.

Release: 21/10/2015
Version 1.0


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Compatibility Default Opencart oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. Cloud , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc.
VQMOD No support
Change core databases Complete none
OCMod Support for Opencart v2.x or later
Modifies or override core files Never
Multi stores Yes
Multi languages Yes
Custom Opencart (code,theme) No guarantee
Mijoshop Compatibility Yes
Single Domain license: $89.00

Total Price: $89.00

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