
Countries Per Store

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A great solution for your PERSONALISED eCommerce Opencart store. Your customers can ONLY choose ITEMS FROM the country address which you set as default based on available delivery area. Also this extension helps you to assign stores based on specific countries where you want to sell your products.

  • User experience

    Make your customers REALLY happy when they go to a web store personalised for them with products and languages specifically for their country. Your target customer must be offered the exact country to select for shipping. In this way,this extension avoids mistakes when a customer suddenly sets an impossible delivery order. Keep everyone happy!
  • Your selected countries ONLY, appear in all Opencart forms and cache on client web browsers

    Countries Per Store merges all Opencart data which is concerned with your default selected countries. From that, it ONLY allows your customer to register orders with your selected countries. Opencart pages on which appear this include:

    + Register Page: Limit countries to register.

    + Checkout Page: Limit countries to delivery your products.

    + Address Account Page: Limit option.

  • Check for selected country or all except chosen countries

    This extension supports multi stores area settings. This is the key to missing countries for determining target customers from other areas.
  • Set default selected country between particular stores

    Countries Per Store helps you to distribute products for each particular area, or continent. Thus every store concentrates on the correct products along with default product and language. All customers from certain countries you want to supply,  will appreciate this feature.

Why you need this module?

Countries Per Store is a real necessity for your private eCommerce Opencart stores. You can multi select some or all countries. That means your client only registers an exact default country on all your store forms. The extension will cache all forms on your server for INCREASED speed real-time. This helps you to create multi stores more flexibly by introducing products to specific target customers. It's really useful to design all your advertisements too,  based on particular target customers.

Release: 06/08/2015
Version v1.0


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Compatibility Default Opencart oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc.1.5.6 , oc. , oc.1.5.5 , oc. , oc.1.5.4 , oc. , oc.1.5.3 , oc. , oc.1.5.2 , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc.1.5.1 , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc. , oc.1.5.0
VQMOD No need
Change core databases Complete none
OCMod Support for Opencart v2.x or later
Modifies or override core files Never
Multi stores Yes
Multi languages Yes
Custom Opencart (code,theme) No guarantee
Mijoshop Compatibility Yes
Single Domain license: $20.00

Total Price: $20.00

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